acupuncture and
how it works

What is Acupuncture & How it Works to Help You
You’ve probably read magazine articles describing what acupuncture is, where it came from, and how it works. Each article leaving you with a healthy dose of skepticism as you wonder about the credibility of Qi, meridians, and blockages.
Acupuncture, and it’s Chinese medicine roots, are not so mysterious. In fact, there is a very strong understanding of the mechanisms of action.
When a needle punctures the skin, crossing the skin barrier, the body responds in a similar way it does to any kind of trauma. The acupuncture needle, however, merely creates what can be called a benign micro trauma. There is no risk of infection and there is relatively no pain, but it is enough to trigger areas in the brain and the body to start a healing process. The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis is one such system activated in response to a skilled acupuncture treatment delivered to the appropriate areas of the body. The body’s response is multi directional and multi faceted, such as the release of anti-inflammatory properties, neurotransmitters, hormones, sympathetic and parasympathetic pathway regulation, increased blood flow to chronic painful areas, and a restorative effect to bodily processes.